

As much as I bake, there are some things that I just don’t bake as often as I would like. Biscotti i

As much as I bake, there are some things that I just don’t bake as often as I would like. Biscotti is one of those things that I love but I seem to make infrequently. With the hopes of changing that pattern, I’m very happy to share these Bourbon Pecan Biscotti with you MYOB! When it comes to biscotti, I usually like to keep things simple. You just don’t need a lot of competing flavors in these cookies. For this recipe, the flavor is focused on toasted pecans, a splash of bourbon, and plenty of brown sugar. Traditionally, biscotti is served alongside coffee or tea so that you can dunk them into your beverage of choice. That softens the cookies a bit and adds another element of flavor. As someone who doesn’t drink coffee or tea, I will happily tell you that these are excellent with hot chocolate Event venue hong kong, too. I prefer toasting the pecans for these biscotti, but that’s certainly optional. Toasting adds more flavor, which really stands out with the flavor focus so much on the pecans. In case you need a reminder on how to toast nuts, spread them in a single layer on a lined baking sheet. Bake them at 350°F for about 12 to 15 minutes. You’ll likely be able to smell that wonderful toasty aroma that lets you know they’re done. Then just set them aside to cool before you start making the dough. Speaking of making the dough, this one comes together quite easily. It can be a little sticky when you’re shaping it, but a little flour on your fingertips will help. After a first round of baking, simply cut the dough into slices and let them have another round of baking to finish. They’re really just so easy to make Best event venue hong kong! These cookies are nicely crunchy on the outside but a bit softer than most biscotti on the inside. That makes them great for snacking without dunking, too. Enjoy them however you like!