
Happy Half Year Brithday

Caydan & Ramsey, today is a very big day for you two! I feel like we have reached a great milest

Caydan & Ramsey, today is a very big day for you two! I feel like we have reached a great milestone; your half birthday. It’s a big deal! Over the past month you two have changed so much. Your daddy and I can see what a big boys you two are becoming. You two are good and beautiful boys.      Caydan & Ramsey are so inquisitive and you two have become so much more mobile (although no crawling yet!), sitting up, eating some baby rice cereal and generally interacting with all the family. How is it possible that 6 months have passed since you two were born?  And where has my little newborn babies gone?  I just can't believe you two are half a year old today!     Where to even begin on this last month?  We are constantly told what a cute baby you two are...and what a good baby you boys are!  You are always smiling and laughing...we can't get enough of you!     You both can recognize voices and can pick out the direction of whoever is talking anywhere in the room. Select people get huge smiles and giggles, you boys just like everyone and generously give most a smile.  I am sure you two are good with people! We just had Chinese New Year holiday with many people, some who had never seen you before, and when they all swarmed, you two kept pretty cool. Mummy and Daddy were proud. Both of you are doing lot of talking, especially Ramsey love to talk so much! Some exciting milestones happened this past month!  You two had your first bite of solid food (baby rice cereal) and ate it right down. Mummy always said when you are reading to eat, we will be ready too. Another new adventure! Big Adventure!     We also celebrated your first Christmas, New Year and Lunar New Year! We opened gifts at Aunt Carol’s home and then went over to Grandma & PoPo’s for dinner to celebrate Lunar New Year with families.  You were definitely more interested in the TV show and play then the red pocket money themselves.....who can blame you?  And of course, having you boy’s cuzzies around was fun too!       I am loving this stage and really trying to enjoy every single day of it, instead of anticipating the next stage, but it's hard with how much you boys change on a daily basis.  You two are such a little lover...always snuggling and smiling...we absolutely adore you both and feel so so blessed to have you two in our lives.       Daddy says nothing can ever make him frustrated anymore. You boys have taught him how to have patience. I think we both have more patience now then we ever thought possible.  Daddy’s birthday was on yesterday; Valentine’s day. I am sure this is definitely his favorite birthday yet; getting to spend it with you boys is such a joy.     I thought I understood the phrase “time flies,” but it’s never had more meaning than it does now. I cannot believe it has been six months… half a year… before I know it you two are going to be walking and talking and dating and driving… don’t grow up so fast, my little boys!!! It's a bittersweet feeling. My babies turned 6 months today and I said Happy 6 Months as tears filled my eyes. Happy 6 month babies, now time please slow down!!! Love you two lots! xo Mummy & Daddy 我和孖寶的Facebook Page: 荔枝與孖寶 If there is any question or you looking for me and the boys,  please feel free to contact LaiChiMaMa via Email: cherrywcchan@gmail.com