

MooGoo Hong Kong & MacauMooGoo適飛旅遊套裝&MooGoo嬰幼兒旅行套裝早前我們一家去左 Royal View Hotel 慶祝,大家都問我係唔係帶左好多野

MooGoo Hong Kong & Macau  MooGoo適飛旅遊套裝&MooGoo嬰幼兒旅行套裝 早前我們一家去左 Royal View Hotel 慶祝,大家都問我係唔係帶左好多野帶幾多套衫要帶d咩俾小兄妹日常護理各種問題  今次首先同大家分享小兄妹外遊必備既護膚品la 我地只係帶左呢兩set就解決哂全家既日常護理需要 MooGoo嬰幼兒旅行套裝( BUBBLY WASH小牛泡泡浴、 MSM 舒緩霜 、NAPPY BALM嬰幼兒護臀膏、 Mudder Udder Balm 乳房護理霜、可愛沖涼牛牛) MooGoo適飛旅遊套裝 (Milk Shampoo 牛奶洗髮乳、 Cream Conditioner 護髮乳、Milk Wash 牛奶輕柔潔膚乳、Skin Milk Udder Cream 牛乳護膚霜) 有齊我地一家人需要既物品 最細心既係連Mudder Udder Balm 乳房護理霜都有 就算妹妹洩洩 咬我都可以用黎修護番 同埋可愛沖涼牛牛 小朋友如果係陌生地方沖涼扭計 有咁可愛既噴水牛牛陪佢 一定乖乖沖涼 #潮媽必備 #外遊恩物 #慳位方便 MooGoo嬰幼兒旅行套裝 1) Bubbly Wash 100ml A combination of non-irritating, bubbling Glucose and Coconut based cleaners that are mild on the skin. 2) MSM Soothing Cream 75g A nourishing moisturiser with the addition of 10% MSM (organi sulphur), a natural skin-soothing compound. 3) Nappy Balm 75g A barrier cream with anti-yeast properties is the best way to prevent red, irritated skin around the nappy area. 4) Mudder Udder Balm 6g Made from natural and edible ingredients to help soothe, protect and comfort your most sensitive area, and encourage breast feeding. 5) Bath Toy Cow For a little MooGoo bath time fun! MooGoo適飛旅遊套裝 1) Milk Shampoo 100ml Gentle, natural and scalp friendly Made using a combination of natural cleanser, as synthetic detergents can irritate and dry out the scalp and hair. 2) Cream Conditioner 100ml Creamy, silicone-free and scalp friendly Made using natural oils, such as Jojoba Oil, to moisturise the hair and leave it soft, hydrated and free of tangles. 3) Milk Wash 100ml A face cleanser formulae for all over Made using a combination of 6 gentle, natural, low-irritant cleansers as synthetic detergents can irritate and dry out the skin. 4) Skin Milk Udder Cream 50g A natural moisturiser to maintain skin health and elasticity This lightweight moisturiser easily penetrates the skin with beneficial and edible skin repair ingredients. 歡迎合作試用-邀文-出席活動 請電郵聯絡 Email : ie063003@yahoo.com.hk Instagram : www.instagram.com/sinmamaftm Facebook page : www.facebook.com/sinmamaftm